Top 10 Supergiant Stars: A Journey Through the Universe's Largest Stars
Have you ever wondered about the biggest, brightest stars out there in the cosmos? Supergiant stars are some of the most fascinating objects in the universe. Their immense size and brightness make them both awe-inspiring and mysterious. Today, let’s take a journey through the top 10 supergiant stars, exploring their mind-blowing sizes and what makes them so unique. 1. Stephenson 2-18: The Colossus of the Cosmos Let's start with a real heavyweight— Stephenson 2-18 , also known as the largest known star in the universe. This red hypergiant is so vast that around 10 billion Suns could fit inside it ! Located about 20,000 light-years away in the Scutum-Centaurus Arm of the Milky Way, it has a radius of around 2,150 solar radii . If you could somehow stand on the surface of this behemoth, it would be hard to even imagine the scale. It's a mind-boggling thought that such a star exists in our own galaxy! 2. UY Scuti: A Familiar Giant You've probably heard of UY Scuti . It...